The purpose of this journal was to create a tool for parents to teach their children all about living a grateful life.
It is never too early to teach your children all about living life in gratitude. How to live your life feeling grateful for what you have, for those who love and care for you, for the kindness that people show and for the experiences that enrich and inspire everyday.
This journal is a beautiful way of bringing family together at the end of every day and each sharing and journaling answers to the following questions:
1 Today I am grateful for
2 People I am thankful for
3 Best part of my day was
Each page also features a quote that can be used as a prompt to start conversations that open children’s minds further to understanding how to be thankful and give guidance to emotionally coping with everyday life situations.
With 365 pages to fill, this journal can become an ongoing family ritual that will create great memories to look back on with gratitude.
And of course if there are no children in your family it is still a special place to reflect everyday.